How much is 869463853 times 73?

Indian man suffered a skull fracture when he was 5 years old, and he trained his "most powerful brain" at the age of 20, and it only took 26 seconds to calculate the results

  [Global Times Comprehensive Report] How much 869,463,853 times 73 equals? When ordinary people are still using a calculator, the 20-year-old Indian youth Banu can calculate it mentally in just 26 seconds.

  CNN reported on the 2nd that according to the "Limka Book of Records" (equivalent to the Indian version of the Guinness Book of World Records), Banu’s brain processes numbers at an average speed of 12 times per second, which is higher than normal. The human brain is about 10 times faster.

Recently, Banu won the championship at the "Mental Olympiad" International Mental Arithmetic Championship in London, becoming the first Asian to receive this honor.

What is even more surprising is that Banu's head was severely injured.

In 2005, when he was only 5 years old, Banu was traveling on his cousin’s motorcycle. Unfortunately, he was involved in a car accident, causing a skull fracture.

To this end, he sewed 85 stitches, performed many operations, and was bedridden for a year.

Banu claimed that he did not want to be called a "genius" because his arithmetic ability was the result of systematic training.

(Li Xue)