
September 01, 2020 Likely Russian hackers leaked the personal data of nearly all Michigan voters (7.6 million of the state's 7.8 million voters), as well as the information of another million voters in Arkansas, Connecticut, North Carolina and Florida.

This was reported by the Russian newspaper Kommersant.

The data recently appeared on a Russian Darknet forum, posted by a user nicknamed "gorka9".

The information was up-to-date as of March 2020 and a source from security firm "infowatch" confirmed to Kommersant that the data is genuine. 

So it would appear that for every American voter involved in the leak, the following information is now available: full name, date of birth, gender, registration date, residential address, postcode, email address, voter identification number and number of the polling station. 

According to Kommersant, voter data was released online for free, but the newspaper said forum members apparently used the US government's "Rewards for Justice" program to earn money on stolen information by reporting election interference to the State Department.

A forum member told the newspaper that he received $ 4,000 for sharing a hyperlink to the published Connecticut voter database with US officials.

Washington, it reads, has offered up to 10 million "for information leading to the identification or location of any person working with or for a foreign government for the purpose of interfering with US elections through certain illegal cyber activities."