The spread of the virus this spring meant that the region needed to coordinate all resources in an efficient manner. More and more people were admitted to hospitals with severe symptoms, and at most 375 patients were cared for in the region's various hospitals. By going into staff mode on March 18, the challenges could be handled better.

"Teach us to live with the virus"

In recent weeks, the number of seriously ill, as well as the number of infected, has been declining steadily. So now the region is returning to the normal organization.

- I want to thank everyone in VGR and all partners who together have worked hard to deal with the pandemic. Now we are entering an autumn in which we do not know how much it will be characterized by covid-19. We focus on the new normal where we get to learn to live with viruses and be prepared for an increased need for healthcare, says director of health and medical care Ann Söderström.

Even if the region has left the staff situation, a special organization will be retained for the time being to handle issues that have to do with covid.

The hospital went before

Previously, Sahlgrenska University Hospital has left its staff position and returned to the normal organization.

The return to everyday life is also noticeable elsewhere. As of tomorrow Tuesday, it is normal opening hours at the Gothenburg Art Museum, the Röhsska Museum and the Gothenburg City Museum. During the spring, the museums have had limited opening hours, which has contributed to low visitor numbers. But now it's turning around:

- It is fun to see that many have taken the opportunity to visit the museum during their holiday. During the summer, the museum has had a larger number of first-time visitors and more families with children than in other years. At the same time, it is clear that the foreign tourists have largely been absent, says Anna Hyltze, acting museum director, in a press release.