During the weekend, a steady stream of boats operated through the ports along Lake Vättern. When SVT's reporter visits Huskvarna on Sunday, several fishermen are in full swing to take care of today's catch.

- It may not have gone so well, says Daniel Gustavsson and glances down at today's collection of crayfish. The twelve cages have not given such a good dividend that it is enough for a lobster slice.

- We will have to continue fishing the coming weekends if that is enough, he states.

Stricter rules this year

It is also the premiere for the new fishing rules, which among other things means that a maximum of 60 crayfish may be caught and kept per person and day.

- This means that if you fish a whole weekend, you can only bring a maximum of 120 approved crayfish, at least 10 cm long, says fisheries supervisor Michael Bergström.

Private individuals fishing during public fishing may no longer sell live crayfish.

Controls outside Motala

On Sunday, Michael Bergström checks how the rules are followed in the areas around Motala. Together with a colleague, he rides around in the county administrative board's boat and supervises.

- I feel that the new rules are generally followed, he says.

At the same time, he says that they have discovered a couple of violations of the fishing rules, for example that they have not been far enough out of land.

How is the supply of crayfish where you are?

- Here in the northern part of Lake Vättern, there seem to be a lot of crayfish, but they are small.

In the clip, you get to see more of how the crayfish fishing premiere in Lake Vättern has been.