The County Administrative Board has so far had no plans to move to Brutus, which for some time has wandered around the areas around Svenstavik and Hoverberg.

It has so far shown no interest in moving closer to its flock or walking from the area, and on Sunday morning the musk ox was reported to have visited the schoolyard in Svenstavik.

Through a heritage gift from 2018, the nature conservation association in western Härjedalen has access to money which, according to chairman Mats Ricklund, is earmarked for the musk ox's well-being, and now hopes to get permission to return Brutus to his flock as soon as possible.

- There is a risk that the musk ox will not find a home on its own, and we do not want it to have to be killed if there were any incidents with residents or animals in the area, says Mats Ricklund.