Can a pedestrian crossing be as wide as possible?

- The rules are in the Road Sign Ordinance. A pedestrian crossing must be at least 2.5 meters wide, but there is no maximum length, says Niclas Nilsson, investigator at the Swedish Transport Agency.

- The government requires the road operator to design the pedestrian crossing so that it is detected in time and that it is clear to both road users and pedestrians what applies.

Is there a Swedish record for the widest pedestrian crossing?

- Haha, no it does not exist. But 35 meters is in the points area. There are some wide pedestrian crossings on pedestrian streets in Stockholm, among other places, but I do not know how wide, he says and continues:

- 35 meters can be good in the right place, but bad in another place. The important thing is that the purpose has been thought through.

Is it safer with a wide pedestrian crossing?

- Pedestrian crossings are not a safety measure in principle. At a school, speed is most important and you must review all factors. A pedestrian crossing must not lead to a false sense of security.

Is there a control of pedestrian crossings?

- No, it does not exist. Ultimately, it is the municipality or the road owner who is responsible and this is where you can turn with complaints or praise.