U.S. boy shoots two dead, black man shooting protests August 27, 9:10

A 17-year-old boy fired a gun and killed two people in a state in Wisconsin, Midwest, as a black man was struck by multiple backfire shots by police officers. I've been arrested and I'm nervous.

In Kenosha, Wisconsin, Midwest, a black man, Jacob Blake, was shot by a police officer seven times at a close distance from behind and became seriously dead on the 23rd. Continues to protest.

Most of the protests are peaceful, but at night some of the participants throw fireworks and stones at police officers, and police use tear gas to collide. ..

According to police, during the protest on the night of the 25th, a 17-year-old boy shot a gun, killed two, and injured one while being treated at a hospital.

Police have arrested a boy on suspicion of murder and are investigating the details. American media reports the boy collided with a protest participant and shot a gun.

Governor Evers of Wisconsin has dispatched national troops to declare an emergency and maintain security, but tensions are heightened as local protests are likely to continue.

President Trump to send a federal employee to the field

Regarding this, President Trump posted on Twitter that he will not allow looting, arson, or riots in the United States.Governor Evers of Wisconsin has agreed to accept support from the federal government, "to maintain security. Therefore, he showed the idea of ​​sending a federal employee to the field.

Mr. Biden, contacting a male family

Former Vice President Biden, Democratic presidential candidate, contacted Blake's parents and family by posting a video on Twitter on June 26 after a black man, Jacob Blake, was shot from behind. It was made clear that

He added, "The shots at the moment of shooting are just uncomfortable. The United States must immediately reconcile, heal, end violence and institutional discrimination."

Senator Harris, vice presidential candidate, also said he spoke with Blake's family at an online event on 26th, saying, "In the United States, there are different justice standards by race. It's a tragic event."