Mothers and fathers want their children to be happy when they return to school; But this does not happen most of the time, and it seems that the separation of the child from his parents with the beginning of the school year and the various challenges facing him, may lead to psychological problems that must be dealt with in a proper way so that the child regains his balance and overcome his fears.

Most of the time, children do not explicitly express the anxiety they feel about returning to school; However, signs of stress appear on their behavior, and parents should pay attention to it and help their children overcome their fears, according to a report published by the Spanish magazine "La Vida Lothida" (lavidalucida).

Psychological pressure on children at school

There are many things that children need to adapt to when returning to school, which creates psychological pressure for them, and these are the most prominent:

  • It can be very difficult for a child to follow or adapt to class rules.
  • Being in a place full of children can be upsetting and frightening.
  • The days may seem long and boring to him.
  • The child may experience anxiety due to separation from the parents.
  • Some children may not like change or have a hard time dealing with it.

Sometimes it is very difficult for a child to follow or adapt to the class rules (Shutterstock)

How does school stress develop?

Even when a child is eager to go to school, leaving the home and turning away from parents creates a sense of separation, and it is often difficult for him to quickly adapt to the new situation, or to express his concerns clearly.

"Young children who are under stress will not be able to express what they are feeling, but it may be reflected in their behavior when things are not going well," said Heidi Russell.

And since children often have difficulty expressing their feelings when they are faced with stress in school, it is possible to clearly notice signs of stress when things are not getting smooth.

What are the early signs that parents may notice?

  • The child cannot communicate well visually.
  • The child does not want anyone to touch him.
  • The child does not show a desire to cooperate and be flexible.
  • The child does not want to make any change even when he is free to choose.
  • The child is very attached to his toys, and does not want to interact with other children or family members.
  • The child does not want to play with others, or he may choose to play with a child or a specific group of children.
  • The child may want you to be closer to him than usual.
  • The child may appear apathetic or lose focus while playing or performing some tasks, and the exact opposite may happen.

Regular play sessions with the child help calm his fears and make him feel safe again (Getty Images)

Abandonment from parents

The magazine explained that school means the child's distancing from the people he loves the most, which creates a feeling of separation and creates psychological pressure.

The child's brain, specifically the part known as the limbic system - responsible for feeling safe and communicating - interacts with this separation from the family, and the desire to search for protection is generated.

It seems as if it is an internal alarm, as emotions and fears flood the child's mind and temporarily lose the ability to think and cooperate, while the first signs of school anxiety appear, often accompanied by tears and tantrums.

The magazine explained that parents, in the event of signs and symptoms of anxiety from school, should take some steps to help their children overcome this situation.

Playing with the child daily

Regular play sessions help calm the child's fears and make them feel safe again. Indeed, play, as the best way to express feelings in a child, gives us more opportunity to relieve stress and anxiety than if we asked him about what happened to him in school.

During this period, it is very beneficial to spend quality time with our children, making sure that it is a daily routine. You can set aside 5 or 10 minutes a day to play with your child, and let him know that he can do whatever he wants during that time. Just leave the initiative behind him and follow his directions, and avoid criticizing his choices.

Parents should listen to the child and let him express his feelings, to help him overcome his fears about school (Shutterstock)

Listening well to your child

The child often resorts to crying to deal with the tension he feels upon returning to school, and it is important in that case to allocate sufficient time to listen to him and let him express his feelings, to help him overcome his fears and tension.

Laughing and fun with the child

Laughter helps the child overcome stress and enhances his sense of security, so he must be surrounded by an atmosphere of fun when he returns to school.

For example, if your child needs help getting dressed in the morning, have a funny atmosphere that will make him forget his worries.

After school, cushions, chase, or hide-and-seek can be fun and fun ways to enhance communication with your child after he has missed you all day.