Wearing a mask in bars and restaurants (Illustration) - UGO AMEZ / SIPA

A 29-year-old man suspected of having attacked with a knife the waiter of a bar in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) who asked him to wear a mask in the establishment was arrested, we learned Wednesday from a police source . He was taken into custody. An investigation was entrusted to the criminal brigade of the urban security of Le Havre.

“A 29-year-old man of Afghan nationality entered a restaurant on the beach in Le Havre at the end of the afternoon. He was drunk and was not wearing a mask. A waiter asked him to put one on. The man came out before coming back and stabbing the server in the chest with a knife, ”said a police source.

"The victim, aged 30, is seriously injured but his vital prognosis is not engaged for the moment", added this source. A CRS lifeguard, who was not on duty, also intervened and was slightly injured.


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