The lack of physical activity becomes an epidemic doctor prescribes exercise

  As more and more "computer necks", "mouse hands" and "office hips" appear among urban white-collar workers, "physical inactivity" has become a global epidemic, and many people have begun to prevent this through exercise and fitness. Kind of epidemic. However, Peng Yang, a joint surgeon at Chongqing Southwest Hospital, recently stated that regular and moderate exercise can benefit the body, while unsystematic and occasional high-intensity exercise can backfire and even harm the body. In this regard, Peng Yang prescribed exercise for healthy adults.

  In September 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a global survey on the trend of insufficient physical activity in the journal The Lancet Global Health, which showed that in 2016, more than a quarter of adults (about 1.4 billion people) ) Insufficient physical activity increases their risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, dementia and cancer. The WHO recommends that adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of high-intensity physical activity a week. People below this standard are considered as insufficiently physically active.

  In March 2020, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showed that adults over the age of 40, the more steps they walk each day, the more they will die of heart disease, cancer or other diseases within the next 10 years. The less likely it is. Compared with walking 4,000 steps a day, the death rate of people who walked 8,000 steps was reduced by 51%. If they walked 12,000 steps or more, the death rate was reduced by 65%. Exercise as a "good medicine" can improve cardiopulmonary function, increase body immunity, strengthen muscle strength and joint stability, increase bone density, control weight, reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and chronic diseases. In addition, exercise can also Improve sleep and improve the quality of life.

  However, Peng Yang also reminded that although exercise is a "good medicine", it is necessary to pay attention to the regularity and moderation.

  According to the individual's physical fitness and exercise ability, Peng Yang formulates exercise frequency, exercise intensity, exercise time, exercise type and precautions during exercise in the form of prescription. For healthy people, exercise prescriptions follow the following principles:

  Exercise frequency, aerobic exercise is guaranteed 3-5 days a week; resistance exercise (ie strength training) is 2-3 days a week, the same muscle group training is at least 48 hours apart; flexibility training is no less than 2-3 days a week .

  Exercise intensity, moderate intensity exercise. The aerobic exercise heart rate reaches 64%-76% of the maximum heart rate (estimated maximum heart rate: 207-0.7×age); resistance exercise is controlled at 60%-80%1-RM (the maximum number of repetitions).

  Exercise time, 30-60 minutes a day for aerobic exercise; 2-4 groups of resistance exercises are completed; each exercise of flexibility training is maintained for 30 seconds × 3 groups.

  Exercise methods, including aerobic exercise, can improve cardiorespiratory endurance, which is the core element of physical fitness; resistance exercise, improve muscle strength and explosive power; flexibility training, improve joint mobility and flexibility, can be static, dynamic stretching or Neuromuscular proprioception promotion method.

  The total amount of exercise is 150-300 minutes of aerobic exercise per week; flexibility training accumulates no less than 60 minutes per week.

  Implementation progress. Healthy people need to conduct exercise assessment before starting the training program. Different people can adjust the exercise intensity according to their own health status and exercise ability. You can start with a low starting dose and progress according to the adaptation period-the improvement period-the stable period. Order, follow the principle of gradual progress.

  Our reporter Yong Li