• Pope: it is useless to go to the Moon if you are not brothers on Earth
  • The Pope to young people: "Do not leave the elderly alone, they are your roots"


23 August 2020 "The Lord will ask us to account for all the migrants who have fallen on the journeys of hope: they have been victims of the throwaway culture". This is Pope Francis' strong warning to the angelus.
"Tomorrow, 24 August - Francis continues - is the tenth anniversary of the massacre of 72 migrants in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, Mexico. They were people from different countries who were looking for a better life". "I express my solidarity with the families of the victims who still today invoke justice and truth about what happened"

The 2016 earthquake
But tomorrow also marks the 4 years of the earthquake in central Italy. An anniversary that Francis addresses with welcoming and at the same time severe words. "I renew my prayer for the families and communities that have suffered the most damage - he said - so that they can go forward with solidarity and hope". "And I hope that the reconstruction will accelerate - he stressed - so that people can return to live peacefully in these beautiful territories of the Apennines ".

The victims of Covid and their families
 " Let's not forget the victims of the Coronavirus ", the Pope continued." This morning - he said - I heard the testimony of a family who lost their grandparents . Without being able to dismiss them. Greet them. In the same day "." So much suffering! - exclaimed the Pontiff -. Many people who have left their lives, victims of the disease, and many volunteers, doctors, nurses, nuns, priests, who have also left their lives "." We remember the families who suffered for this. "

The persecuted for their religion

Pope Francis recalled at the end of the Angelus that "World Day was celebrated yesterday in remembrance of the victims of acts of violence based on religion and belief". "Let us pray for these brothers and sisters of ours - he said - and support with prayer and solidarity also those who, and they are many, are still persecuted today because of their religious faith ”. "So many!" The pope exclaimed.

Proximity to Cabo Delgado
"I would also like to reiterate my closeness to the population of Cabo Delgado, in the north of Mozambique, who are suffering from international terrorism. I do so - Francis said - in vivid memory of the visit I made to that dear country about a year ago ".

Charity, the main road to perfection
"Charity is always the main road of perfection. But it is necessary that the works of solidarity do not distract from contact with the Lord Jesus. Blessed Mary, blessed because she believed, may be a guide and model on the journey of faith in Christ, and make us aware that trust in him gives full meaning to our charity and to our whole existence ".