“Right now, when the children returned to their relatives, when we saw this meeting, we can say that this departure is completed, and we are starting to prepare for the next one,” Kuznetsova said.

According to her, children and relatives are happy, now they have a way home and a lot of work.

Kuznetsova recalled that these children had been in camps and shelters in Syria for years.

She also noted that only a few of these children have parents.

“Today we have already talked with many specialists who are ready to join in helping them settle down here, get a job in a kindergarten, the help of psychologists may be required. Some of the children, while in the orphanage, have mastered the Arabic language well, so they will have to re-learn Russian, ”added the Ombudsman.

Kuznetsova also said that as part of the next flight, it is planned to deliver 87 more Russian children from Syria, and they are being searched for in the camps.

At the same time, up to 200 children from Russia may be in Syria, she concluded.

On August 18, a Russian Defense Ministry plane delivered 26 Russian children from Syria.