Charge posture of soldiers in the new era

  This summer, floods occurred in many parts of the south. Upon hearing the order, 117 officers and men of a brigade engineer company of the 71st Army Group Army rushed to Jiujiang from a station in eastern Anhui, and boarded the Jiangxinzhou mission area on Jiangzhong Island by steamboat.

  At this time, there were many dangers on the island, and some people had been urgently transferred; in the face of the severe situation, 50 party members and party activists of the brigade formed a party member commando, which was dispatched 8 times and eliminated more than 20 times. The completion of various tasks played an important role.

  "As party members, we must be an example"

  On the evening of July 12, the water level in the Liuzhou section of the north bank of Jiangxinzhou reached 22.81 meters, and many dykes appeared overwhelming. The height difference between the river and the inner field was 7 meters, and one of the levees was washed away by a gully about 7 meters long.

  The soil of the dike becomes loose, and a large area of ​​the dike may break at any time; if the dike breaks, the entire island will be submerged into the river. After the engineering company went into battle, it was found that its troops were far from enough. The Chief of Staff Ji Faliang, who had just arrived in Jiujiang, immediately led the team to reinforce it.

  Filling with soil and rocks, transporting sandbags, building sub-dikes... After fighting for more than two hours, the river is still filling the island from the gap.

  "Party members stand a step forward! Time is life, as Party members, we must be a role model!" Ji Faliang immediately mobilized on the spot and led the company's 49 party members and party activists to form a party member commando to contain the flood.

  From the evening of July 12th to 4 o'clock in the morning on the 13th, the party member commando team led the company to build a levee of more than 800 meters to block the floodwater outside the dam and successfully dealt with the danger.

  The flood does not recede, the charge will not stop. At about 10 o'clock on July 13, the company received another call from the local village cadres. Seven leakages were found in the dam of Zhoutou Village in the southwest corner of Jiangxinzhou, and they requested assistance. Ji Faliang led the party member commando to go quickly. Based on the site conditions, they researched and determined the risk relief plan, and decided to adopt the most difficult but most effective method of constructing a seepage diversion platform to control the danger.

  While leveling the seepage ditch, the soldiers coordinated with the local people to bring gravel. When the vehicles could not get on the embankment, they used shovels to push carts of gravel from the unloading point to the leakage point of the embankment. After 7 hours of uninterrupted work, nearly 60 carts of gravel were transported, and a 150-meter long seepage platform was piled up, successfully eliminating the danger.

  "Take out the party membership standards and gnaw this hard bone"

  At 16:00 on July 14, a large area of ​​leakage occurred in the dam of the Tuanzhou section of Jiangxinzhou, and the command team sent 100 people to deal with it. At about 20 o'clock, the danger had not been eliminated, and then the party member commandos were urgently ordered to go to reinforcements.

  "The danger is critical and time is pressing! Take out the party member standards and gnaw off this hard bone!" After reaching the point, the company commander Wang Tingning carefully surveyed the dangerous situation on the spot, and divided the deployment of labor: one group to deepen and widen the guide trench, the second group to prepare materials, and the third group to pave Stones.

  The team members ran into the dangerous area, cleaned the silt of the unstable dam, laid sand and gravel for seepage, and filled sandbags in layers. Until 2:30 in the morning of the next day, the party member assault team filled more than 10,000 sandbags and used more than 150 cubic meters of soil to build a 30-meter-long slope protection and successfully protected the levee.

  A party member is a banner. Platoon leader Dong Mutian was severely sunburned and stained with sand. His face was inflamed in many places, and his shoulder was also bitten by rove insects. However, he insisted on not getting the line of fire for minor injuries and refused to temporarily retreat to the rear for recuperation. Party members Guan Xiaofeng and Zhang Shangshuai served as the company. The driver, get in the car, drive, get out of the car, and continue to drive supplies and personnel during the day. In the evening, he will follow the commando on the front line of flood fighting, and actively undertake tasks such as dredging and laying geotextiles.

  The power of example is endless. The company instructor Lei Chengshuo received a number of applications for joining the party written by soldiers during the break. Corporal Li Jiye wrote in his application for joining the party: "In the eyes of the people, the party member commandos are heroes; in my eyes, they are role models. I want to join the Communist Party of China and shoulder greater responsibilities with more party members. Set up a higher standard and charge in the most dangerous and difficult place!"

  "I am a soldier of the people, and it is the responsibility to stick to it"

  "Being separated by a river, do you want to have a home?" A villager in Liuzhou Village, Jiangxinzhou asked about Sergeant Zhou Wei during the mission. Zhou Wei said: "I definitely want to, but I am a soldier of the people, and it is the responsibility to stick to it."

  Zhou Wei's family was in Huangmei County, Hubei, facing Jiangxinzhou across the river. This time, it also suffered floods. Although Zhou Wei is very concerned about the disaster in his hometown and the safety of his family, he is full of confidence: "I also have my comrades in arms in my hometown. As long as we work together, we can protect our home together."

  "Four years ago, the People's Liberation Army protected my hometown; four years later, I will also protect the homeland of the people of Jiujiang." Also full of passion is Sergeant Hu Wuchao. In July 2016, Hu Wuchao's hometown of Anqing, Anhui, suffered a flood. It was this brigade and company who fought for 16 days to build a steel dyke in his hometown. As a sophomore, he was greatly encouraged by witnessing the scene of the People's Liberation Army fighting floods. Two months later, Hu Wuchao enlisted in the army and happened to be assigned to this company. Last year he became a reserve party member because of his outstanding performance. Now, he came to the front line of Jiujiang flood fighting.

  "Cute and distressing." Seeing the scene of the party member's commando team completing its mission, Liuzhou Village Party Branch Secretary Hong Mianxue said excitedly, "Each party member used practical actions to freeze the charging posture of a soldier in the new era."

  (Li Huaikun and Gao Junfeng participated in the collection)

  Our reporter Li Longyi