The municipality of Norrköping ordered 3,700 chromebooks in early spring, but after the US Department of Commerce blacklisted a Chinese subcontractor, production is closed and will be moved to another location, so the computers that Norrköping municipality ordered will arrive in the autumn at the earliest. For the municipality's teachers, the lack of computers is a problem.

- In the short term it is not too big a problem, but in the long term it can be a real challenge because it will not be the same quality. There are a lot of advantages to digital, says Gunnel Alm Sköldén, principal at Hagagymnasiet in Norrköping.

The education office's plan

The ordered computers are now expected to arrive in Norrköping in November. Until then, the education office must find a solution.

- The students who leave year three in high school or year nine leave their computers and then the idea is that we reuse those computers until the new ones come, says director of education Sofie Lindén.

See and hear more in the video above.