<Anchor> The

Yangtze River and the Yellow River, two major rivers in China, were flooded with rain from the weekend. The largest dam, Sansha Dam, has been pouring the largest amount of water since the dam construction.

This is Kim Ji-sung, correspondent in Beijing.


Freight trains weighing 4,000 tons move over the bridge and stop.

When he was in danger of collapsing his legs in the swollen and fast current, he put the train on top and added the weight of his legs.

[Officials from the China Railway Bureau: (The current) This time, special measures have been taken because it shocks the legs.] The

world's largest stone Buddha statue, the Leshan Great Buddha, has also been flooded to the foot.

It is immersion in 71 years.

As the weakened ground collapsed, more than 20 vehicles were buried.

Heavy rains from last weekend caused the fifth flood of this year on the Yangtze River and the Yellow River at the same time.

Sichuan and Chongqing cities have raised the flood response stage to the highest level of first class for the first time in history, and Chinese media reported that the Qingyi River, a tributary of the Yangtze River, had a once-in-a-century flood.

[China CCTV Broadcast: Flooding occurs once every hundred years in the Ya'an City section of the Qingyi River, and the entire Tsingyi River basin is expected to exceed the highest level.] The

water level of the Sansha Dam has also risen again.

73,000㎥ of water flows in per second, which is the largest amount since the construction of the Sansha Dam.

President Xi Jinping, who appeared on the public stone statue after 18 days, went to the scene of the flood to take care of public sentiment.

[Xi Jinping/President of China: China has been fighting all kinds of disasters for thousands of years. We will continue to fight.]

Typhoon No. 7'Higos' has also landed in a hurry, causing damage to Macau and other southern China regions.

(Video coverage: Choi Deok-hyun, Video editing: Oh No-young, CG: Bang Myung-hwan)