From the fort of Brégançon, where he spends his holidays, Emmanuel Macron confided in the journalists of "Paris Match" on the burning issues of the start of the school year. Among them: the management of the health crisis, while the epidemic monitoring indicators continue to deteriorate. The Head of State does not rule out the hypothesis of a reconfinement, even if he recognizes that a new shutdown of the country would have serious consequences.

The evolution of the pandemic and the measures to contain it constitute one of the priority objectives of the re-entry for Emmanuel Macron. Currently on vacation in Brégançon, the Head of State is working on several hot issues, at least this is what our colleagues from Paris Match reveal , through a 10-page report, to be published on Thursday, but that Europe 1 has could consult.

We learn in the columns of the weekly that Emmanuel Macron alternates relaxation in family and work sequences. In fact, this summer, international news quickly upset the head of state's summer truce: the explosion in Lebanon, Turkish ambitions in the Aegean Sea, the electoral crisis in Belarus, the coup d'état. Mali ... Telephone interviews and videos have multiplied for the Head of State from Brégançon, notably with Vladimir Poutine, Donald Trump and Mahmoud Abbas. On Thursday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is even invited on site.

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The hypothesis of a reconfinement

But on Emmanuel Macron's desk, there are especially the back-to-school files, starting with the health crisis triggered by the Covid-19. The president does not rule out the idea of ​​re-containment. "We do not forbid anything", explains Emmanuel Macron in Paris Match . In detail, he puts forward a localized strategy, as in Mayenne, with possible targeted deconfinements "if the situation requires". Emmanuel Macron specifies, however: "We cannot put the country at a standstill, the collateral damage of confinement is considerable".

>> LIVE  -  Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Wednesday August 19

A football parenthesis

The president's return to school next week will open with a Council of Ministers on Tuesday, followed by a government seminar the following week. Reconstruction and the recovery plan will be at the heart of the concerns of the executive with, perhaps, a little sporting parenthesis. According to Paris Match , the president could go to attend the final of the Champions League on Sunday evening, where PSG will play. Information on which the Elysée Palace still wants to remain cautious.