Nishimura Economic Revitalization Visit to Yasukuni Shrine the day after the end of the war 19:11 on August 18

At the press conference, Nishimura Minister for Economic Revitalization revealed that he visited Yasukuni Shrine the day after "Day of the end of the war".

In this, Nishimura, Minister for Economic Recovery, said, "I visited in a quiet environment early in the morning, even on Sundays. I prayed from the bottom of my heart that the spirits that were sacrificed while thinking about their homeland could have a peaceful sleep." , It was revealed that he worshiped at the Yasukuni Shrine on the 16th, the day after the "End of War".

At the worship, he said that he paid the Tamakushi fee at his own expense and made a note as "Koki Minoru Nishimura, a member of the House of Representatives," and said, "Never forget that the peace and prosperity of Japan today was built at the expense of the spirits. Don't. We have sworn again that we should never repeat the tragedy of war and that Japan will continue to pursue the course of its history as a peaceful nation after the war."

On the 15th of "Day of the end of the war", the Yasukuni Shrine is visited by Minister of Environment Koizumi, Minister of Education, Science and Culture of Hagita, Minister of Global Efforts Eito Edo, and Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Takaichi.