Istanbul-based Daher Construction is focusing on gyroscopic transportation concepts whose adoption could change the shape of the public transport sector forever.

The revolutionary idea is to exploit the narrow spaces in the streets and public places to run huge passenger carriers that operate with gyroscope or "rotating" technology, which is a variable circular movement around an axis called the axis of the initiative, and these vehicles move on a track located in the streets.

The company has been run by the Russian inventor Daher Semenov and his wife since 2006, and during these years he has developed several new concepts such as a vision of a utopian (or dystopian) city in the near future, and drones that can destroy air force bases, battleships and residential complexes.

Although some concepts seem impossible, Semenov says he publishes a new design only when he is sure that the solution found is technically feasible, and there are no scientific obstacles to designing it.

With an investment of $ 26.5 million, Semenov estimates he can build a working prototype for each of his 20 current projects, and argues that it would be a worthwhile investment, estimating potential revenue at $ 5 trillion.