"At the moment, Veronika (Tsepkalo's wife. - RT) and the children are already safe in Ukraine," said a representative of the headquarters.

He added that at night Veronika Tsepkalo and her children were "held for more than three hours" at the Troebortnoye border crossing on the Russian-Ukrainian border because of the "tag in the base."

Also, the headquarters said that Tsepkalo and his family intend to leave for Warsaw for a while. In the Polish capital, Tsepkalo plans to meet with "very influential" politicians from Washington, according to his headquarters.

Earlier, Tsepkalo commented on the data that a criminal case was opened against him in Belarus on suspicion of giving a bribe.

He also said that he was in Ukraine.

Information appeared in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia that Tsepkalo was put on the interstate wanted list.