
15 August 2020 "15,406 landings from the beginning of the year to today, against 4,261 in the same period a year ago: the failure of this government is in the numbers, while the minister Lamorgese boasts of having controlled more than 20 million Italians during the Covid emergency. Hard punch with citizens, chases and fines for those who go to the beach, dance or have an aperitif, caresses and open ports for NGOs, traffickers and illegal immigrants. And no signal against the mafias: with the Lega al government, on August 15th the State presented itself in San Luca in Calabria and in Castel Volturno in Campania. Lamorgese says that Milan is safe: so why did you organize the National Committee for Order and Security in the city? ". Lega leader Matteo Salvini says so.