• Lamorgese: finished the work on the immigration decree, change the reception system
  • Migrants. Minister Lamorgese in Lampedusa: "Maximum attention, serological test for landed"
  • Lamorgese: accelerate collaboration with Libya, migrant detention centers must be evicted


15 August 2020 There have been a decrease in crimes in general in Italy, 1,912,344 in the last year, with a decrease of 18.2% compared to the previous year. This is what emerges from the data illustrated by Minister Luciana Lamorgese, and contained in the "Viminale dossier, which records one year of activity of the dicastery. Decline that is affected by the period of confinement due to the provisions to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. In the period alone of the lockdown, from March 9 to June 3, the crimes recorded in Italy were 855,533. The homicides in the last year decreased by 16.8%, 278 against the 334 the previous year. The alert remains on the murders that took place in family: there were 149, of which 69.8% were women.

If we go to examine the murders that took place in the lockdown period alone, these were 106, of which 58 in the family environment and in the latter case too, 75.9% of the victims were women. As regards the other crimes, thefts are down, 820,274 (-26.6%); robberies, 20,193 (-21.1%); frauds 119,355 (-11.3%). Speaking of scams, computer scams have increased, 82,842 with + 12%. Computer crimes in general increased by 20%, 144,474 cases of which 61,204 in the lockdown period alone.

In one year + 148% arrivals, many autonomous landings
Strong growth in arrivals of migrants in the last year: there are 21,618 between 1 August 2019 and 31 July 2020 against 8,691 in the period 1 August 2018 - 31 July 2019 (+148 , 7%). These are the data released by the Interior Ministry, the unaccompanied minors disembarked were 2,886 (+ 157.9%). The majority of migrants arrived with autonomous landings (16,347), while those rescued in the Italian SAR area were 5,271 (4,066 recovered by NGO ships). Tunisia (8,984) and Libya (8,746) the main countries of departure. Tunisians (34.3%) and Bengalis (11.9%) the most numerous of the landed.

Lamorgese: "More landings than last year but there is a crisis in Tunisia"
On the landings of migrants, "the numbers are not very high, certainly they are higher than last year, but we must contextualize: there is a Tunisia in serious crisis, we have saw entire families leave to arrive on Italian territory ". This is what was said by the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese in Milan for the traditional meeting of the Security Committee on August 15th. "The so many arrivals were caused by autonomous landings", with "small boats, rubber dinghies", Lamorgese underlined.

"Monday in Tunisia with Di Maio"
On Monday 17 August I will go to Tunisia with the Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio and with the European Commissioners Oliver Varhelyi and Ylva Johansson to make Europe feel close "and tackle the problem of small landings. said Lamorgese at the end of the National Committee for public order and security. The minister recalled that repatriations have started again as in the time for Covid, about 80 per day.

"Immigration decree will be examined in September"
The immigration decree is " closed "and will be examined in September" as soon as the Prime Minister deems it appropriate "then specified the Minister of the Interior." The text was closed with the political parties of the majority. It will be examined as soon as the Prime Minister deems it appropriate, after the summer period, it will be discussed in September ". Lamorgese recalled that the immigration decree" is so called, not a security decree. We have not touched on the aspects of security but on the immigration part, going to incorporate the observations of the presidency of the Republic ".

As for the concerns of the mayors for the new organization of reception," what was once the Sprar and which we will call Sai, reception, we expect the municipalities to take care of it but taking into account the available economic resources. Once the calculations have been made, we need a lot of them, we will see it at full capacity over time, it will be achieved gradually ".