• Rome, the child injured by a pistol shot by his grandfather is very serious


August 14, 2020The child accidentally injured by a gunshot exploded by his grandfather did not make it.

The tragedy yesterday in an apartment in via Val Sillaro, in the Fidene area, in Rome. A seven-year-old boy was shot in the head by a gunshot from his grandfather.

The child would go to his grandfather's house with his father and, when the latter was in the bathroom, he would be hit in the back of the head by the accidentally fired gun shot from his grandfather's weapon. The man, according to what was told to those who investigate, was putting away the gun just so as not to let his grandson take it when the shot went off. The minor was transported in red code to the hospital. 

The child had been hospitalized at the Umberto I polyclinic, where he underwent neurosurgery. But it was all in vain.