Paris (AFP)

The indicators for monitoring the Covid-19 epidemic in France "continue to deteriorate", warns the Directorate General of Health (DGS) on Thursday, with a number of new confirmed cases which "is increasing regularly".

Over the past 24 hours, 2,669 new cases have been detected (against 2,524 on Wednesday), notes the DGS in its daily update.

And the increase in cases, between August 3 and 9, "is more important among 15-44 years (+ 46%)" in Metropolitan France, notes the body in its weekly update also released this Thursday.

The DGS still underlines a "number of people hospitalized in increase for three weeks in particular among those under 40 years" in metropolitan France in its weekly note. "In mainland France, the situation is worrying", worries the DGS in its analysis last week. In Guyana and Mayotte, the epidemic is "in decline but still at a high level of vulnerability".

In addition, fifty gendarmes from Tarbes, out of a platoon of 82, who returned from a mission in Polynesia, tested positive for Covid 19, according to the Hautes Pyrénées prefecture.

In total, 30,388 people died in France (i.e. 17 more in 24 hours), including 19,883 in hospitals and 10,505 in social and medico-social establishments (last figure dating from Tuesday).

The DGS also reports 201 hospital admissions in 24 hours, an increase because there were only 143 more mentioned on Wednesday. On the other hand, on the resuscitation side, 374 patients are counted (5 less than Wednesday).

Île-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Hauts-de-France, Grand Est account for 69% of patients in intensive care.

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