
For the first time in American history, a black woman was nominated for vice president. I'm Senator Harris of the Democratic Party. The Republican Party is Trump and Pence, and the Democratic Party is Biden and Harris.

This is Kim Yoon-soo, correspondent from Washington.


Senator Harris was the choice of former Vice President Biden, who continued to play Django.

In a tweet, former Vice President Biden praised Congressman Harris as a fearless warrior and the best public official, and Harris replied that it was an honor to say that Biden was the right person to unite the American people.

Senator Harris served as California Attorney General during the Obama administration, and was elected California Senator in 2016.

Born to a Jamaican father and an Indian mother, the greatest strength is being able to accommodate black, Asian, and immigrant voters.

[Kim Dong-seok/CEO of the Korean American Federation of Voters: It can be said that it partially complements the presidential candidate Joe Biden, Asian, black woman.]

In the Democratic Party's presidential election last year, Biden, who opposed the policy to eliminate racial discrimination, sharply pushed away I even climbed to stardom.

[Harris/Senator: Do you now admit that your opposition to Bussing (a policy of mixing black and white to school) was wrong?]

[Biden/Former Vice President: No." I've never opposed the bussing policy.]

If Harris, 55, helps 77-year-old Biden win this year, there is a lot of prospects that he will become the presidential election in 2024, so he has been nicknamed'woman Obama'.

There is growing interest in how Congressman Harris, who broke the glass ceiling several times and became the first black female vice presidential candidate, will affect the upcoming US presidential election on the 84th.

(Video coverage: Jeongsik Oh, video editing: Yonghwa Jung)