This was reported on the mayor's website.

It is noted that the meeting was attended by heads of federal executive bodies and regional governors.

The participants discussed the rate and forecast of the spread of COVID-19 in the constituent entities of Russia, the organization of vaccination of citizens from risk groups, as well as the return of hospital beds, which were previously repurposed for the treatment of patients with coronavirus infection, to their usual work schedule.

Also during the meeting, the issue of improving the quality of diagnostics of various types of community-acquired pneumonia (“covid” and “non-covid”) for the distribution of patient flows was discussed.

In addition, the topic of compliance with epidemiological safety measures in the resort regions of Russia was touched upon, preparation for the autumn-winter season of respiratory and viral diseases and the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in vocational and general educational institutions in the new academic year were discussed.

Earlier, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said that for the first time in the world, a vaccine against coronavirus infection COVID-19 has been registered in Russia.