“Risk of using nuclear weapons ever higher” concerns UN Secretary-General Denomination 15:16 August 11

Secretary-General Nakamitsu, who is in charge of disarmament at the United Nations, held a press conference in Tokyo, and the state of nuclear disarmament has deepened the confrontation between the nuclear powers, and all the nuclear-weapon states are investing a lot of money to promote the modernization of nuclear weapons. As a strong concern.

Deputy Secretary-General Nakamitsuzumi attended the Peace Ceremony in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the turning point of the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing, and then attended a press conference at the Japan Press Club in Tokyo on the 11th.

Mr. Nakamitsu said at the beginning, "In addition to the US-Russian conflict, the US-China conflict is deepening, and all nuclear-weapon states are investing a lot of money to modernize nuclear weapons. Instead, a qualitative arms race is starting," he said, recognizing that the world is heading for a new nuclear arms race.

Furthermore, he said, "I'm even getting the impression that the limited use of nuclear weapons that suppresses the power of "low-power nuclear weapons" is possible, and the risk that nuclear weapons will actually be used is ever higher." He expressed a strong sense of crisis that the norms of disarmament that had been disintegrating were collapsing.

In addition, Mr. Nakamitsu will agree on the US-Russia nuclear disarmament treaty "New START," which will expire in February next year, for a five-year extension, saying that "US and Russia have a special responsibility as a nuclear power." Emphasized that it is essential.

Deputy Secretary-General Nakamitsu revealed that he gave utmost respect to the efforts he has made toward the abolition of nuclear weapons when he met with the exposed people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the UN will continue to carry out the reality of the atomic bombing to the next generation. He showed the idea of ​​working hard.