The platoon leader is the brother sleeping on my upper bunk

  Painted by Cui Jiatang

  A few days ago, I felt very awkward in my heart, and some inexplicable things were growing in my emotions. It's not because the training intensity can't keep up, but because the brother sleeping on my upper bunk became my platoon leader.

  New platoon leader Ding Hongjian and I were soldiers of the same age. We were a comrade-in-arms in the recruit company. At that time, I slept in the lower bunk and he slept in the upper bunk. We didn't get a company after we got off the line, and because our units were far away, we gradually lost contact. Unexpectedly, when I met again, he had graduated from military academy and became my "head boss".

  Dark-skinned, burly stature, and fast walking... From the start of the recruit company, he has been a top training player. As a college soldier, he has always had a dream of going to a military academy and becoming an officer, but my goal is to transfer to a non-commissioned officer. Unexpectedly, we both realized our dreams as we wished, but the relationship between the upper and lower bunks became the subordinates, which still made me a little uncomfortable.

  That afternoon, he was wearing a physical fitness training suit and pulled a suitcase to our company. He greeted me from afar: "Yue Haodong!" When I got closer, I realized that it was my soldier Ding Hongjian of the same year. Feeling surprised and full of joy, he immediately went over to help him carry his luggage into the company.

  When the call was late, when the company leader announced Ding Hongjian's appointment to the entire company, I immediately became restrained. When I thought that he was about to lead me, I didn't know how to get along with him in the future.

  One day after the training, I went back to the row room and took out the phone. But at this moment, Ding Hongjian also opened the door. He looked at the mobile phone in my hand and his watch, and then walked out of the row room. Unexpectedly, when the whole row gathered to comment on the day's work, he even ruthlessly criticized me: "Comrade Yue Haodong used the mobile phone before the break, which violated the mobile phone usage regulations..."

  "They were all soldiers of the same year, so I didn't even have any affection." At night, lying in bed, I tossed and turned, and it was difficult to fall asleep. I used my mobile phone that day because the saplings that the company had handed over to me for planting appeared pests and diseases. I was anxious. I searched the Internet for pest control methods, but he criticized me seriously without asking why.

  The next morning, when I was worried about the sapling's illness, Ding Hongjian called me over, smiled and said to me: "You like to hide your thoughts in the recruits. Now it hasn't changed at all." Knowing that I was worried about the yellowing of the saplings, he contacted an expert to answer my questions.

  That night, I took the initiative to ask him to have a heart-to-heart talk, explain to him the real reason for picking up the phone, and promised to follow the mobile phone usage regulations in the future. And he also reviewed his own working methods and promised to understand the situation carefully before making a decision in the future. The knot between us was quickly solved.

  In the fifth year of enlisting in the army, I told him the idea of ​​staying in the team, but because of his weak physical fitness, I thought that there was little hope of staying in the team. Ding Hongjian patted me on the shoulder and said, "I will take you to practice!" Under the guidance of, my training performance has gradually improved and has been praised by the company many times.

  Now, I no longer feel embarrassed for being a platoon leader in the same year, but devote my mind to learning and training, and work hard to continue to serve in the team.

  (Compiled by Zhu Qiang and Zhao Xin, our special reporter)

Compiled by Zhu Qiang and Zhao Xin, our special correspondent