According to the scientist, it is known that SFTS, unlike coronavirus, has a "gastrointestinal manifestation."

“But it seems that the most dangerous combination of coronavirus and influenza virus. If you get infected at the same time, and so, "- said the associate professor URA.RU.

According to him, a number of experts have already stated that SFTS does not pose a threat to Russia, but the scientific community does not yet have a complete picture to understand whether it is worth worrying.

“It seems that it will be something local and will not spread like the coronavirus. But so far there is too little data, it is not known exactly what pathways of infection the virus has. I think we will receive more information within a week, ”Mitrokhin said.

Earlier in China, they warned about the spread of the SFTS virus in the country, which is transmitted to humans mainly from ticks.

Rospotrebnadzor reported that no cases of acute fever with thrombocytopenic syndrome were detected in Russia.