“Nothing bad will happen. Thrombocytopenia and coronavirus are. This news appeared today, tomorrow, I think, there will be a clearer situation. There is nothing beyond the PRC. Moreover, today China is closed for visits, ”Onishchenko stressed.

In turn, the virologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Anatoly Altstein said in an interview with RT that when this virus is affected, the number of platelets decreases, and thus the fever has a tendency to hemorrhages, that is, to hemorrhages.

“This is a bunyavirus, this is a very large group, there are many pathogens. Some of them are also quite common in Russia, as for this virus - it did not stand out in Russia, ”the expert noted.

The virologist added that SFTS was discovered in China and also isolated in South Korea. 

“It causes this serious illness by being transmitted by a tick. There is no need to fear that there will be an epidemic of this disease, because, in general, transmission is not very effective from person to person, ”the virologist concluded.

Earlier in China, they warned about the spread of the SFTS virus in the country, which is transmitted to humans mainly from ticks.

Rospotrebnadzor reported that no cases of acute fever with thrombocytopenic syndrome were detected in Russia.