Original author of "The Yellow Handkerchief of Happiness" Pete Hamil dies on August 6, 10:00

American novelist Pete Hamil, known as the author of the movie "The Yellow Handkerchief of Happiness", died on the 5th. I was 85 years old.

Born in Brooklyn, southern New York City, in 1935, Pete Hamil published his first novel as a writer in 1968 as a reporter and editor of a local newspaper.

He has written many long and short stories, including works set in New York, and gained popularity with the “New York sketchbook”, which highlights the everyday life and emotions of ordinary people.

He is also known as the creator of the movie "Yellow Handkerchief of Happiness" directed by Yoji Yamada.

Hamil's younger brother, Dennis Hamil, told ABC TV in the United States that he died on the 5th due to renal failure.

In response to the news, Governor Cuomo of New York told Twitter: "Mr. Hamil wasn't just an outstanding journalist or writer, he was a spokeswoman for New York. , His legacy and work will continue to live."