On January 30, three-year-old Esmeralda was found dead, wrapped in cloth and plastic, under a bed at her biological parents' home in Norrköping.

Both parents were detained early in the case, but the father died in custody in February.

The mother was charged with first-degree murder, and second-hand extremely aggravated assault. She was also charged with breach of the peace and drug offenses.

Not mentally ill

At the beginning of June, the Norrköping District Court concluded that it had not been proven that the mother had intentionally killed the girl.

However, the court found that it had been proven that the mother had negligently caused the girl's death.

The woman then underwent a forensic psychiatric investigation which concluded that the woman did not suffer from a serious mental disorder at the time of the crime and that there were therefore no conditions for sentencing her to forensic psychiatric care.

But on the last day of the trial, the prosecutor still demanded that the mother be sentenced to what she was charged with - 14 years in prison for murder.

At 14.00 today, the verdict will be announced by the district court.

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The prosecutor and the defense attorney have different interpretations of what happened when Esmeralda died on January 28 and until she was found by the police on January 30. Photo: Private.

The text is updated.