
As you can see, it was presumed that it wasn't a bomb, but an ammonium nitrate that had accumulated in a warehouse. Ammonium nitrate, which is mainly used for making fertilizers, is a white solid, which, when encountered with flammable substances, has an easily explosive property. So it is also used as a raw material for gunpowder and bombs. Ammonium nitrate was also responsible for the train explosion in Yongcheon Station, where more than 150 people died in 2004.

It is pointed out that such a large amount of explosive material has been damaged in the vicinity of the city center for a long time.


[Oh my God!]

Following the flames of the fire, a huge explosion sounds throughout the house.

The magnitude of a Richter magnitude 4.5 earthquake shook the ground, and the children cried in fear.

[I don't want to die!]

The father, who was holding a trembling child, pushed the child under a safe desk to keep the building from collapsing as the explosion continued.

The child, who was playing by the glass wall, was relieved by the woman who threw herself through the collapsing glass.

Bloodstained people wander in the dusty pit covered with building debris and broken glass.

A father rolling his feet with an injured child, a woman who is bleeding and unable to hold her body.

The patients quickly flocked to the hospital, and the hospital quickly turned into a leak.

[Sharay/Beirut residents: I heard the first explosion and went out to see what happened. I didn't know there would be a second explosion.]

Many patients were unable to even receive treatment and had to stay up all night at the door of the hospital.

(Video source: Twitter)