• Istat: boom in calls to the anti-violence number, complaints are down
  • Violence against women is increasing, the other pandemic plague in the world


August 04, 2020 Trento police arrested three people, two brothers aged 64 and 59 and an acquaintance of 82, all three uncensored, on charges of aggravated group sexual violence and threats against a twenty year old resident in Trentino suffering from severe cognitive impairment.   

The episodes occurred in Valsugana and the complaint started from the girl's adoptive mother who, noticing a series of strange behaviors and understanding that something was wrong, in March decided to turn to the postal police, who together with the mobile team then led the investigations.   

According to investigators, the violence had been going on for some time, for about a year, and over 140 photos with unequivocal content were found on the phones, both of the victim and those arrested. During the search operations in the homes of the three, cell phones, PCs and even a chaser were taken over. The computer devices will be examined in these days also to verify if there may have been other victims.

The girl would have been lured on social media: compliments, flatteries, until the virtual has turned to reality, with repeated episodes of violence and threats to intimidate the victim. However, the mother's intuition allowed the start of the investigations and finally the arrests: the 82 year old is under house arrest for age limits, while the two brothers are in prison.