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July 30, 2020

"The use of the single bench is formally recommended by our Technical Scientific Committee as a distancing measure". The Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, wrote it on Facebook in a long post in which she replied to an article by the economist Tito Boeri published today on the Republic.

Azzolina points out that "for the reopening of all schools in September, we started working in April. The committee of experts provided proposals that inspired the Guidelines, a document discussed with all parties involved in the school system. Document finally approved by Regions and local Authorities. The Guidelines have been in operation for over a month. In recent weeks we have been working, and will continue to do so, to resolve critical issues deriving from years of profound cuts that have weakened the system ".

On the question of the desks, then, Azzolina says that the ministry "has not imposed anything. He asked, school by school, if there was a need for single-seater desks. And, if necessary, to justify it. The Ministry has indicated to the educational institutions different measures to guarantee the distance. One of which is represented by the renovation of the furnishings. Many schools have requested it, demonstrating that this is a useful measure. Of the total requests, about one in four secondary schools asked for the innovative desk. instead of the traditional one. For educational needs ".

Azzolina therefore reminds, regarding the scientific bases on which the decision is based, that "the use of the single bench is formally recommended by our CTS as a measure of distancing. The single bench helps the school manager to organize the space to ensure the distancing and, in many cases, to leave the class group united. It is also quite intuitive, to tell the truth. But, I repeat, it is a precise indication, black on white, of the Cts. I add that it is a measure that in addition to giving an answer in terms of an epidemiological emergency, it represents a structural investment: renovating school furnishings in schools with 40-year-old equipment proves "that" students are finally not treated like puppets but are at the center of the administration and politics " .