The European Union's EU Council has recommended lifting restrictions on entry into 12 countries, including Korea.

The EU Board of Directors issued a list of twelve countries in which each member country should gradually lift entry restrictions at offshore borders starting on the 31st of the following day in its recommendations on the phased lifting of EU travel restrictions.

The countries are Korea, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay and China.

Residents of China are subject to reciprocity that if the Chinese government allows European citizens to travel to China, entry into the EU may be permitted.

This is a reconciliation of the existing list through review.

15 countries, including South Korea, were on the list that the EU board of directors first announced on the 30th of last month.

However, on the 16th, because of the spread of Corona19 on the 16th, after removing Montenegro and Serbia from the list, Algeria was also excluded.

There is no new country on the list.

However, the EU Council's recommendation is not legally binding.

It is up to each Member State to decide whether to follow the recommendations.

Some countries have followed the recommendations since their first list last month, but others have retained their existing restrictions on entry.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)