Holidays are suitable for consuming more meat, so doctors warn against overeating, especially after the World Health Organization has identified red meat as a possible carcinogen in 2015; This "is linked to the increase in inflammation inside the body, which may lead to the development of certain types of cancer."

Likewise, refined sugar, even though it harms our health, it is present in almost everything, so that the average American individual consumes about 20 teaspoons of it per day, equivalent to 3 times the recommended by the American Heart Association: for women 6 spoons, and more than twice the recommended for men 9 tablespoons.

And because consuming meat and sugars results in a high acidity in the body, and provides an ideal environment for disease, stress, sleep disturbances and weak immunity, according to the Deutsche Welle site; This requires knowing the effect of abstaining completely, or moderation in its intake, on our bodies.

Refined sugar is a mass destruction

We have hills in our hands that cause us to stop eating refined sugar, or reduce its consumption, because it causes inflammation throughout the body, including the skin, making it appear faded and swollen.

Research has revealed a link between excessive sugar and acne, and sugar may accelerate skin aging by damaging collagen molecules, leading to wrinkles.

Sugar raises the level of glucose in the blood, stimulating the pancreas to release insulin to convert it into energy, but "high insulin reduces blood sugar and causes fatigue in the long run", and the sudden drop in sugar "makes the body need more energy, which raises appetite For food and increase calories, and then gain weight, "according to nutritionist Gerlin Jones.

It may also affect mental health. Research on women’s consumption of it, published in 2014, said that “those who consumed 16 teaspoons of it daily experienced depression by 23%, compared to those who consumed 3.5 spoons.” This was confirmed by another study conducted in 2017, and it showed that men who consumed 13.4 teaspoons or more per day increased their depression by the same percentage.

Refined sugar may cause heart disease death. In a study conducted in 2014 that lasted 15 years, researchers found that "people who consumed between 17 and 21% of calories through refined sugar increased their risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 38%." .

"Refined sugar is a major driver of fatty liver disease," according to a study published in 2018. It also gives high blood sugar a signal to the brain for action and activity, causing insomnia, and "increases tooth decay by 66%," according to a 2016 study.

Finally, "sugar increases belly fat, lowers testosterone, and raises estrogen. It also suppresses the immune system by severely fighting white blood cells with viruses. It is the first reason for kidney failure, as high blood levels damage the blood vessels in the kidneys." According to Dr. Mark Heyman, Medical Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center.

Our bodies and meat

Balance is the key to affecting stopping or cutting back on meat, according to Live Strong's website. For energy, replacing meat with plants and whole grains may help you feel energetic, but it may lose us important nutrients like "iron", which carries oxygen to the cells of the body to produce energy, as low iron leads to troublesome symptoms such as chronic fatigue, headache, and rapid heart rate.

As for the digestive state, excessive eating of meat "can promote intestinal infections that affect good bacteria, and cause complications such as constipation and bloating." While vegetables and fruits are the opposite, "they contain carbohydrates like prebiotics (found in bananas and apples) that reduce inflammation and stimulate good intestinal bacteria," according to a study published in the 2018 Nutrition Journal.

With regard to mood, meat can contain a high percentage of unsaturated omega-6 fats that cause many infections, as research shows that eating large amounts of them "enhances changes in the brain, which may negatively affect mood."

With regard to weight, the fact that meat contains fat can make it a source of more calories, so "limiting its intake may contribute to weight loss." As for the heart, one of the benefits of limiting meat is "low levels of cholesterol and inflammation in the body, which could in turn reduce problems related to the heart," according to Deutsche Welle.

Meat containing fat can make it a source of more calories (German)

Cutting carbs is not safe

Carbohydrates are the main energy source of the body, and include all foods that, after digestion, turn into glucose, such as bread, vegetables, fruits, milk, sugars, starch and fiber.

The US Food and Drug Administration has set the daily requirement for carbohydrates at 300 grams (giving 1,200 calories), 25 grams of which will be dietary fiber.

Although a low-carb diet seems effective for losing weight, it is not safe. A study published in 2018, after following the relationship between reducing carbohydrates and deaths over a period of more than 6 years, showed that "people who consumed low-carb diets were 32% more likely to die prematurely than those who consumed a higher proportion of carbohydrates.

The reduction in carbohydrates also increased the risk of heart disease by 51%, stroke by 50%, and cancer by 35%. "

"Low-carb diets may be beneficial for losing weight, lowering blood pressure, and controlling glucose in the short term, but they may be associated with an increased risk of death in the long run," the researchers said.