Donald Trump's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., posted false information about Corona19 on Twitter and was blocked from accessing his Twitter account.

Twitter revealed that Trump Jr., who posted false information about hydroxychloroquine, a drug for malaria, was asked to delete the tweet in question and blocked some functions of Twitter for 12 hours.

As a result, Trump Junior can view other people's tweets on Twitter, but he cannot temporarily tweet or retweet other people's tweets.

The tweet in question contained a video of a group of doctors misleading or misleading about the Corona 19 incident, which Trump Jr tweeted.

President Trump also posted the same video on the night of the 27th, but he preached by tweeting someone else's tweets.

Twitter hasn't put much sanctions on President Trump.

In this video, doctors advocated that they did not need to wear a mask or containment to block the spread of corona19, and advocated treating patients with corona19 with hydroxychloroquine.

Among these doctors are the famous supporters of President Trump.

The video was actively shared on social media by the conservative news media'Bright Bart', the political group'Tea Party Patriots', and the recently formed coalition'American Frontline Doctors'.

Among the tweets Trump retweeted, along with this video, "The doctor criticizes what will be the biggest scandal in modern history in the United States." "(Anthony) Pouch and Democrats' oppression of hydroxychloroquine continues to kill Corona19. There is also a saying, "To make it possible to scratch Trump."

A Twitter spokesman said, "Twitters containing the video in question violated our false information about Corona19."

The Washington Post pointed out that the move "shows the strong stance that Twitter has taken to crack down on erroneous postings by famous users, including President Trump."

Trump Jr., on the other hand, argued that the move was "an additional proof that the information technology dinosaurs decided to annihilate free expression online, and another example of their suppression of the Republican voice and committing election interventions."

Twitter deleted the video in question and deleted some tweets shared by President Trump.

In addition, I posted an article warning about the dangers of hydroxychloroquine in the'Trend Topics' that tells the topic.

In addition, Facebook and YouTube removed this video from their platform.

However, before this action, the video has already been viewed tens of millions of times.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)