When Norway chose to close the border with Värmland, it created question marks and unrest among the inhabitants along the border. For months, family, relatives and friends were kept separate while collaborations between Swedish and Norwegian companies were affected.

The fact that Sweden had its border open with Norway during the same period contributed to tensions in the region increasing.

Met at the border

In addition, the important border trade was absent when Norwegians stayed away from traveling into Sweden, as they would have to be quarantined for ten days when they returned to Norway again.

On Wednesday afternoon, Värmland's governor Georg Andrén and the county governor Knut Storberget from the neighboring county Innlandet chose to meet for the first time a bit symbolically on the border in Swedish-Norwegian Morokulien to try to rebuild relations.

In the clip above, Georg Andrén and Knut Storberget tell more about the meeting.