How does the universe expand? How fast does he do? Will spacetime shrink on itself one day? What is the dark matter and energy?

Questions answered by a study published in the "Live Science" magazine on July 21, by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

Where the observatory has studied two million galaxies located within an area extending to 19 billion light years, the maximum is 11 billion light years away from us, and for a period of 5 years of follow-up and analysis, it revealed important results in cosmology.

The universe and its expansion and extensibility

The universe consists of 25% of the dark matter responsible for slowing down the expansion movement, 5% of the visible matter known as "barions" (stars and galaxies), and 70% of the dark energy responsible for the expansion of the universe in the manner and the speed currently observed, and with a measurement error of about 1% Only, according to scientists.

The universe expands at a velocity of 68.2 km / s / megabyte, in what is known as the Hubble constant, which is part of the Hubble Law, which states that "the speed of galaxies spacing from us is directly proportional to the distance between us and them."

That is, the speed of galaxies increases by 68.2 km / s whenever the distance of a million parsecs is away from us, and the parsec is a distance in the sky equivalent to 3.26 light years, or approximately 31 trillion km. This value contradicts earlier estimates that the universe is expanding rapidly between 72 and 75 km / s / megabytes.

Accordingly, the universe is flat (i.e. Flat Universe), that is, it will continue to expand at a steady acceleration, not convex as was believed from the results of general relativity theory and others, with a very small amount of this convexity of only 0.2%, or the equivalent of part of 500 part.

The owners of the humping universe theory assume that it will stop expanding after a period of time, and its compulsive matter will return until all of them have gathered, the universe collapses and is crushed, then returns as it was before the big bang that occurred 13.8 billion years ago. But this "Big Crunch" will not happen 35 billion years from now, at the very least.

Dark matter and particles

The existence of dark matter in the universe is surprisingly consistent with the amount of the cosmological constant (Hubble constant), and it is not true to say that the "energy density" of dark matter develops over time or its value changes from one place to another.

This demonstrates the validity of the "cosmic principle", and that matter is distributed in it regularly in all directions.

No fingerprints of neutrinos, which are (particles of mass very close to zero, released from nuclear reactions and supernova explosions, and do not interact with matter) were found on the large cosmic scale.

This means that the total mass of the three types of neutrinos is; They are "muon", "electron" and "tau", equal to less than 0.11 electron volts, which requires that the mass of the electron alone equals 6.4 million times the mass of the three neutrinos combined.

This giant study concluded with a three-dimensional map of the universe in its various phases (Sloan Digital Sky Scanner Observatory)

In all, this giant study concluded that a three-dimensional shape of the universe was drawn in its various stages, starting from the moment when it became transparent and allowed light to travel in space after only about 300,000 years of the Big Bang.

Passing through those galaxies and quasars (highly active galaxies with a black hole in them), right up to our time and the conscious universe in which we live.