• Coronavirus: 252 new cases, 5 deaths and 350 recovered
  • Hope: "20 billion are needed for healthcare. Mes is fine too"
  • Recovery Fund, the task force announced by the premier does not convince the allies
  • Recovery Fund, Michel passes: 750 billion package approved. Count satisfied
  • Recovery fund. Government management of funds


July 25, 2020 The virus is not defeated, "the next few weeks represent a decisive step. We must have the resources to invest in the health system". Italy "cannot afford to go back". Health Minister Roberto Speranza says this in an interview with La Stampa, according to which the public coffers are missing 20 billion to re-establish healthcare.   

"The resources must arrive" - ​​says the minister - if necessary with a further deficit but "better the Mes because the money arrives immediately, while with the Recovery, if all goes well, we see them in 2021". 

With the infections "we are in a waterline - Speranza explains -. We are unable to bring them down but they are not even going up. We have not been the sick in Europe for a long time but the problem is what is happening around us", with the contagions from abroad.

The first reports "on people returning from Romania and Bulgaria came to me from our regions" and it was decided for the mandatory quarantine also for those coming from those two states, says the health minister who does not rule out "that in the coming days similar measures, however painful, will also be necessary in relation to other European countries ".

As for the state of emergency "we have decided to extend it until October 31. We will make two parliamentary passages, Tuesday and Wednesday, then immediately after the decision it will go to the Council of Ministers". In truth, Speranza explains, "we had tried to avoid the extension, but we would still have needed individual pieces of exceptional powers to issue our ordinances to protect the health of Italians," he said.