- At 14.04 we received information about a security guard on Lovö who fired was close to being hit by a car. In connection with this, the security guard fired warning shots, says Anna Westberg who is a spokesperson for the Stockholm Region Police.

The driver of the vehicle departed from the scene and was not arrested.

- I can confirm that there has been an incident where a security guard fired a warning shot at our facility on Lovön, more than that I can not tell, says Fredrik Wallin who is a spokesman for FRA.

Does it happen often?

- That the guards need to intervene when someone is inside the protected object or taking photos is not entirely uncommon. But warning shots are very rare, says Fredrik Wallin.

Försvarets radiosanstalt, FRA, bedriver signalspaning i försvarsunderrättelseverk­samhet och har i uppdrag att bidra till skyddet av samhällsviktig verksamhet mot IT-attacker genomförda av statliga eller statsunderstödda organisationer.

Händelsen rubriceras som försök till grovt våld mot tjänsteman samt brott mot skyddslagen.