It was during the count on Tuesday morning when the sheep were to have food that Linda noticed that two ewes were missing.

After searching for a while, one of the ewes was found dead in a bush and after the county administrative board's expert was on site, there is no doubt that it was a wolf that was on the move.

- You get very sad, says Linda Nilsson, who says that she has a personal relationship with all her sheep who have all been named.

Conflict-filled topic

Several times before, both hens and lambs have fallen victim to foxes moving in the area. But this is the first time a wolf has attacked the family's animal.

But despite that, Linda Nilsson thinks that the wolf must be allowed to exist.

- Wolves must be allowed to exist, but at the same time such attacks have major consequences for us who live in the country. We want to be able to have grazing animals around the clock, all year round. Both should be allowed to exist, but how?

She believes that wolf attacks can have a deterrent effect when people in rural areas consider whether they should have animals or not.

But that is not the case for the Nilsson family.

- No, we will continue. I hope the wolf has moved on. But if it remains then life will change absolutely.