• Zanardi discharged and transferred to a specialized neuro-rehabilitation center
  • "Sedation reduction started": decisive hours at the Siena hospital for Alex Zanardi
  • Zanardi, new intervention for craniofacial reconstruction


22 July 2020Alex Zanardi is no longer in danger of life, but has a very long path ahead of her and "we know, we are prepared". The son of the champion, Niccolò Zanardi, explains this in interviews with Corriere della Sera and La Stampa, speaking of the transfer of his father to the Villa Beretta rehabilitation center. "Here are the top experts in neurological rehabilitation. It seems to me that the road is downhill." There are "good prospects" he adds. 

The family is happy "because the recovery was much faster than we expected. But it shouldn't be surprising: this is dad. The man's energy is incredible, he has extraordinary strength".

There is still no interaction but "there are encouraging signs - explains Niccolò -. We never leave him alone". Now that it is no longer sedated "we divide the tasks: we give the emotional stimuli, the doctors the neurological ones". 

The vision problem "is the least for now. What matters is knowing if we can communicate with him again".

Niccolò Zanardi is convinced that "dad will make it this time too. And one day we will talk about it. He will tell it to me and he will also tell it to my children. I am confident and mom is too".