• Sileri: "Download the Immuni app, it helps to start again"
  • Immune app. Ricciardi: "Deeply dissatisfied, privileged privacy protection"
  • Coronavirus Immune App: "4 million downloads achieved"


July 22, 2020 "Immuni's flop scares virologists," headlines headlines. Only 4 million downloaded, they add, so it's useless. But the Minister for Innovation Paola Pisano has an idea to revive the fate of the app for tracking exposure to infections, and presents it during a hearing in the Senate Education Commission: "Recently the Scientific Technical Committee expressed himself in favor of its diffusion in the school environment ".

Minister Pisano explained during the hearing that, to date, Immuni has been discharged by 4.2 million citizens, but they could become many more if it were discharged "among teaching and non-teaching staff
teacher, upper secondary school students and in any case pupils over the age of 14 and also among their parents ", with the approval of the Cts. Maniacal

attention to privacy
Paola Pisano in the hearing in the Senate Education Commission also spoke of privacy: "A country is not free if it does not respect privacy. We work a lot on this, respecting all the indications of the guarantor and the EU ". It is different than" a private entity like Google: we can say something to Google but nobody can say something to us. That is why the state must have extreme and obsessive attention to privacy. For the immune app we even made a rule ", concluded the Minister of Innovation. 

Thanks to the Minister of Defense
Via Twitter, Paola Pisano finally thanks the Minister of Defense, Lorenzo Guerini, for suggesting the use of Immuni" to protect the health of the staff of the Armed Forces and their families ". In the programs of the Ministry of Innovation there is also a new communication campaign on the app.

Thanks to the Minister of Defense @guerini_lorenzo, the General Abbenante and the Scientific Technical Committee who recommended the use of the Immune App to protect the health of the personnel of the armed forces and their families. A useful contribution to the fight against Covid-19 https://t.co/9PGpXTzgEC

- Paola Pisano (@PaolaPisano_Min) July 21, 2020