Seiko Noda Former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Motivated for Candidate for Governor July 22 0:11

Toward Abe, LDP Seiko Noda, the former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, met with non-factioned legislators on the night of the 21st, expressing his intention to run for the next presidential election, and called for cooperation.

On the night of the 21st, Tokyo's LDP Seiko Noda met with seven members of the House of Representatives, including the Takeshita faction Vice-Chairman Otsuji and the former House of Councilors Junko Mihara.

In this, Mr. Noda stated, "I would like to do my best to seek the diversity of the Liberal Democratic Party, so I would like you to understand." He expressed his intention to run for the next presidential election and asked for their cooperation.

After that, Mr. Noda told reporters, "The LDP is a free and diverse political party. I want to be one who can express it. In this difficult situation, if I can bring out unprecedented know-how and wisdom with my colleagues. I am happy."

In the past presidential elections, Mr. Noda gave up his candidacy because he could not collect the necessary 20 recommenders, and the focus will be on securing the recommenders for the next presidential election.