Nasdaq stock price index rises sharply to reach the highest price 5:55 on July 21

The New York Stock Market Dow Average stock price on the 20th day of the week was a modest move. On the other hand, the Nasdaq stock index has risen sharply and has reached its highest level.

The New York Stock Exchange Dow average closing share price on October 20 rose by $8.29 to $266,87, compared to last weekend, rising for the first time in three days.

On that day, buying and selling were intermingled and transactions were taking place near the closing price of last weekend, but many IT-related stocks that dropped prices last week gathered buying orders.

Meanwhile, the energy giant Chevron, which announced that it will acquire shale oil company Noble Energy for more than ¥530 billion in Japanese yen, which is one of the stocks that make up the Dow average stock price, fell.

In addition, the stock price index of Nasdaq has risen sharply due to the purchase of IT-related stocks, renewing the highest price set on 10th of this month.

Market officials said, "The spread of the new coronavirus infection is still a heavy market, but there has been a move to buy back the stocks that have fallen in price."