Holiday vouchers. - ALLILI MOURAD / SIPA

The National Assembly gave its final green light Thursday to a LREM bill allowing employees to "give" leave in the form of holiday vouchers to carers, a device deemed "ineffective" and "next to the plate" by the left opposition. The text, which had been the subject of an agreement between deputies and senators, must pass a last time before the Senate next Wednesday for a final adoption.

"Distributed by December 31 next", these holiday vouchers will be "reserved for staff whose income does not exceed three Smics", said its author, Christophe Blanchet (LREM). In practice, an employee may waive one or more days off within a limit fixed by decree, against the payment by his employer of a sum of money to the National Agency for holiday vouchers. This agency will then distribute the holiday vouchers to the “medico-social establishments”.

The opposition deplores this proposal

Brigitte Klinkert, Minister Delegate for Integration, welcomed an "act of generosity", while stressing that it "has no vocation to replace public policies". She thus insisted on the "upgrading of all careers" of caregivers established by the agreement of Ségur de la Santé. These holiday vouchers, "it's charity and the hospital doesn't give a damn about charity," reacted LFI MP and caregiver by profession Caroline Fiat, ensuring that a caregiver was cited. This proposal "is off the mark" and "blames" the employees, also judged the communist Pierre Dharréville.

Socialist Alain David also expressed "his discomfort" with this "unsuccessful proposal and to say it a bit off topic". At Libertés et Territoires, Jeanine Dubié expressed her “serious doubts” about the implementation of the measure. Supported by elected officials from different sides, the deputy LR Maxime Minot accused the LREM deputies of "indecent political expediency" and of plagiarism. He himself had tabled a law proposal on March 22.


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  • Don
  • Hospital
  • Leave
  • School vacation
  • National Assembly