Convergence talks between the people and the people Focus on whether both parties can step in with the "party name of the new party" 4:54, July 18

Regarding the confluence talks, the National Democratic Party has decided that the party name of the new party should be decided by voting etc., but the Constitutional Democratic Party will not respond, and the focus will be on whether both parties can approach.

On the confluent talks between the Constitutional Democratic Party and the National Democratic Party, both parties held a meeting with their members of the Diet on 17th to discuss the response.

At the National Democratic Party's meetings, there were a number of voices in favor of merging, but there was an opinion that the party name of the new party formed after the dissolution of both parties should be something other than "constitutional Democratic Party" such as "Democratic Party". It was

In response to this, Representative Tamaki and Secretary-General Hirano, who have been entrusted with the response, will reply to the Constitutional Democratic Party next week that the party name should be decided through democratic procedures such as voting.

At the meeting of the Constitutional Democratic Party, the future response was left to Mr. Edano and Secretary-General Fukuyama, but there are many opinions that "the party name cannot be concession", and the party is not prepared to change the party name. Then, the focus is on whether both parties can approach each other.