A zoo in the United States, where Corona 19 had lost sight of its visitors, predicted a spectacular sight ahead of its resumption.

On the 15th of the local time, foreigners such as ABC in the United States reported that the San Antonio Zoo introduces new families, and the pictures of'Baby Panda' posted on social media are popular online.

The San Antonio Zoo recently released photos of five cute baby pandas. The two pandas in the picture are playing happily on the log, and another panda is looking up curiously. The other two are lying on the ground, leaning on each other.

However, all the netizens who looked at this picture in detail were startled. Because all five pandas were elaborately crafted plastic lego models. It was not only made to be the same size as a real baby panda, but also realized realistic features such as rocks and logs.

This was an event prepared by the zoo to present special memories to visitors who will come back while closing in the wake of Corona 19. After discussions, they decided to recreate the most popular animals among visitors as life-size Lego models and produced animals such as baby pandas, bald eagles, and lions.

The zoo said, "To make baby pandas, 53,500 pieces of Lego were used and it took 405 hours in total." The Bald Eagle stands on a huge rock with over 40,000 pieces of Lego pieces in 184 hours, and a total of 3 million pieces of Lego were used to create 30 Lego animals.

While Corona 19 was still riding, the zoo, which announced the reopening, also announced a policy to put infection prevention first. In particular, from Sunday to Wednesday, the zoo will be operated in a'drive-through' way to watch animals in the car.

This is'News Pick'.

(Photo ='sanantoniozoo' Instagram)