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On the front page of the French press, reactions to the interview with Emmanuel Macron, yesterday.

For his first intervention on July 14, the president presented his choices in an attempt to resolve the Covid-19 crisis and defined the main lines for the end of his five-year term. Main announcements, according to Today in France : the wearing of the mandatory mask in public places closed from August 1 and an economic recovery plan with an additional 100 billion euros, with employment as a priority. For the form, the Head of State "indulged in a vibrant mea culpa, promising a new method of government", according to L'Opinion - which sees Emmanuel Macron reinventing himself ... "in Macron" - hence Kak's drawing, which shows him in a fallen Superman: "I'm staying on course, but from now on I'll take the elevator".

The reception of the French press is, on the whole, mixed. "Nothing to provoke revolt, nothing either, to trigger enthusiasm": for Le Figaro , the presidential performance would have "borrowed (é) from the narcotic Chiraquien". The newspaper regrets "the words that have not been said", starting with those of "public order", the absence of which would explain that "mistrust increases", and that "abstention gallops". In his speech, Emmanuel Macron "did not seem to want to change his policy, despite criticism of his management of the health crisis and yellow vests: the course remains the same, only changes the path, despite the billions promised", criticizes Liberation .

Also in the press, the impact of Covid-19 in Algeria, where the protest movement seems weakened. While protesters have been meeting weekly since February 22, 2019, the implementation of containment in March and the entry into force of the new penal code in May have broken this momentum. The Independent tells how the power exploited the pandemic to reimpose a lead screed on the society and to repress the movement of protest. "This epidemic has been the regime's lifeline," commented journalist Arezki Daoud, noting in particular the role of the DRS, the Algerian Intelligence and Security Department, in the repression - which led to the arrest of 31 opponents, for the month of June only; most of them for having published content and articles against the government and President Abdelmajid Tebboune.

Also note this morning, the meeting today of the UN Security Council to try to save an oil tanker, stuck in the Red Sea off Yemen, for five years. According to the Swiss daily Le Temps , this abandoned tanker with a load of more than a million barrels of crude could, if it sank, cause an unprecedented ecological disaster, while Yemen remains mired in the war between the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels and the Saudi-backed government. According to environmentalists, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of birds and fish threatened, there is also a possible humanitarian disaster. In the region, more than 100,000 families make a living from fishing - to which would be added the risks for water desalination plants, which are often the only means of obtaining drinking water.

We do not leave each other on it. As you know, online commerce has exploded during containment - but obviously, it's not quite the same thing as wandering the aisles of stores. The result is that you may end up with goods that weren't quite what you thought you ordered. The Guardian has listed some of the best looking online shopping misses during closed time - the one who ended up with a 16 kg bag of flour, the one who ended up with earrings from the size of two tires or almost. Or whoever bought a camping table ... for Lilluputians ...

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